Singer Billy Lunn came out of the closet in February as a Bisexual. Billy Lunn is part of the rock band ‘The Subways’ Lunn on coming out as Bisexual said that he wanted to make sure that he acts as a voice to all the bisexuals who wishes to be seen by him. In a recent interview, Lunn said that after his coming out, he has been touched beyond belief.
In the interview, Billy Lunn spoke about his difficulties while growing up. He said, “The shame in always knowing I was attracted to more than one sex is that I felt I was part of neither community, neither the heterosexual or gay community.” He said that it was common for all bisexuals as they are often marginalized as an outsider by both the Straight and Homosexual community.
Billy, the bisexual singer said that he is no longer ashamed of his sexuality and that he wanted to tell homophobes about his sexuality. He said, “I want to say that down the microphone, amplified down the speakers proudly and loudly, and if people don’t like that, they can leave or change their minds.”
In the interview, when questioned about the new album, Billy Lunn said that it is important to have more diverse voice in music and the next album of the Subways will be the queerest. He said, “It’s now coming out in my songwriting; I’m finally able to express that part of myself through songwriting which had been locked up for so long. That had been because of the intense bullying I experienced during school because of my effeminate nature, which I had never been able to take control of, and my loving nature, which at certain points of my life was considered a weakness, but now I accept it’s a strength, like my bisexuality. It’s not something I should be ashamed of, but something to be proud and accepting of. I’m looking forward to people hearing the songs off the new album because it’s going to be a more accurate representation of myself in those songs.”
He completed the interview by saying that June being the pride month, he is planning to fill his Instagram stories with him dancing in the studio. He also said that he might even make a song for Pride and release it free for the LGBTQ+ community during this lockdown.