Loev – not only an Indian gay film but also a...
Loev is an Indian romantic gay drama film released in 2015. It was directed by Sudhanshu Saria and the lead role was played by...
The 1st Queer candidate to contest JNU elections
Gourab Ghosh is the first Queer candidate to take part in JNU elections. Ghosh was pursuing his Master’s degree in English in the University...
India could soon legalise same-sex marriage
We all know that India decriminalized Article 377 in 2018. Menaka Guruswamy and Arundhati Katju are among the few lawyers who fought to legalise...
Same-sex kiss scene removed from pilot episode
Roswell, New Mexico is an American drama series that began airing last year. The series is known for its LGBTQ+ representation. The series focused...
Poland airs its first Gay Commercial
It is the first time in history that Poland have made their first gay television commercial. The advertisement of Durex shows three couples, two...
Indian dad steals the show at a Jain Gay Wedding
Parag Mehta and Vaibhav Jain, the Indian gay couple decided to tie the knot in 2019 after living together for 6 years. Though India...
Gay couple act as cousins for 13 years, now they finally...
Apurva Asrani & Siddhant have been living together for 13 years as cousins without drawing attention from their neighbors. Screenwriter, Editor & National Award...
Will same-sex marriage in country increase the economy?
Weddings are a big business. Let it be India or any other country, weddings are a big deal. Weddings might seem a personal expense...
Pixar’s Out is all about love and acceptance of gay man
Pixar released the new animated short film ‘Out’ today. It is available on Disney Plus streaming service. Out is the first animation movie that...
Benjamin Fredell came out publicly as Gay
Hockey Player Benjamin Fredell came out as Gay amidst the rampant Homophobia in sports. Benjamin on the Outsports wrote that prevailing homophobia in sports...