Homosexual wedding in India was a taboo, but it has become the new normal now, though it does not have a legal status.

Froza Saluja and Arpita got married in 2017 even before Article 377 was decriminalized in India. The couple now, lives in an apartment in Chennai. Not many support their relationship. A few of their neighbours even asked them to vacate when they knew about their lifestyle. The couple said that they never bothered about third opinion and went on to make their living.

Similarly, Vishwa Srivastava and Vivek Patel got married knowing that it was only for them and the wedding will not hold any legal rights. Srivastava said that as weddings hold a high value in India and even the gays need that. Patel – Srivastava wedding was the typical Indian wedding with the Hindu priest.

With a number of stories put out on social media and other mediums, it has been a fixed statement that Indian parents do not approve homosexual relationships. To break that false stigma, this wedding proves that as Srivastava’s mother was the planner for his wedding with Patel.
Though it is not labeled as legal marriage, the number of homosexual weddings has been booming since 2018 after decriminalization of same sex relationship.