Indian Universities with Gender-Neutral Space

Saradha Natarajan

Article 377 was abrogated in September 2018, there up on Mumbai’s Tata Institute of Social Science came up with gender neutral spaces in the campus. The move was made after the students requesting the place to be safe for the LGBTQ+.
The hostels’ ground floor was made into a gender-neutral space and reports states that at least 20 students moved to the ground floor. The ground floor of the girl’s hostel has rooms allotted for the trans woman.
TISS was the first educational institution to have a gender-neutral space. The campus also has washrooms that can be used by the LGBTQ community.
Jadavpur University
Jadavpur University in Kolkata is considering a proposal given by the students’ union to set up gender-neutral toilets in the campus. The proposal requested the administration for setting up two gender-neutral toilets that could be used by men, women the third genders.
Not many public places and educational institutions have the washrooms built for all, and these gender-neutral washrooms would bring inclusiveness of the third gender in the society.


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