Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor got hitched to designer Anand Ahuja in 2018. year. The couple is celebrating their second anniversary today. The couple shared a few pictures online of their midnight celebration on Social Media.
Sonam got a special gift from Anand Ahuja. She said that it was a thoughtful gift and that Anand Ahuja knows her too well. She got a Nintendo that switch with games like Mario Kart and Legend of Zelda installed in it.
Sharing a video on her Instagram story, Sonam wrote, “@anandahuja knows me too well Love you so much.” In the video shared, the actress says, “This is my anniversary present,” and expresses her excitement.
The actress also re-shared a photo posted by Anand with “Anniversary quarantine snacks.”
She also shared a screenshot of her friends and family wishing them on the occasion of their wedding anniversary.